The EVGA Step-Up program allows EVGA customers to upgrade their last-gen graphics card to a new graphics card by only paying the difference in price between the two. This is great for gamers as it gives a sense of security to GPU purchases and never leaves them thinking they missed out on the ‘latest and greatest’.
If you missed the 14 day window to Step-Up to your new EVGA 20 series graphics card, fear not. EVGA now allows users who have purchased their 90 day extended warranty to register their product and still take part in the program. The 90 day extended warranty is around 30 dollars and will allow people who missed the window to still upgrade to the latest GPU. You can view EVGA’s warranty pricing options here. The EVGA Step-Up program information page can be found here. Once you have purchased the extended warranty on your product you can register it’s serial number here and begin your upgrade process.